Holiday Food Drive - November 2021
Myers Capital Hawaii (MCH) is holding a food drive throughout the month of November to collect non-perishable food to help Hawaii’s needy families. The company has partnered with the Hawaii Foodbank to host an onsite and virtual food drive.
Did you know that 1 in 4 children are struggling with hunger in Hawaii, according to the Hawaii Foodbank? The COVID-19 pandemic has also increased food insecurity (the inability to provide sufficient food to all household members) in Hawaii by a whopping 50%. This food drive is an opportunity to help and give back to Hawaii communities in which we do business and call home.
Our goal is to collect a combined total of $5,000 in monetary and food donations. (Each non-perishable food can/item will be counted as $2 towards this goal.) The company will match the first $300 in donations.
It’s easy to participate. Donations are accepted through November 30, 2021:
Online – Monetary Donations
- Visit the MCH-Hawaii Foodbank site or click the link below:
-Text VFD167 to 71777
-Scan the QR code:
Checks: Make checks payable to “Hawaii Foodbank” and add “Myers Capital Hawaii” to the memo section.
Drop off your check at either 1) Myers Capital Hawaii, 841 Bishop Street, Suite 2100; or 2) Hawaii Foodbank, 2611 Kilihau Street.
Cash: Drop off at the Hawaii Foodbank and mention “Myers Capital Hawaii Food Drive.”
Visit our office at 841 Bishop Street, Suite 2100. Hours: Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Non-perishable food items and checks payable to the “Hawaii Foodbank” are accepted.
Mahalo for your participation and support of the Hawaii Foodbank and our island families. Myers Capital Hawaii wishes you and your families a safe, happy holiday season.